fh 102

flounder heights apartments
-- home of sephlow --
-- my button! don't hotlink! --

Oh, a visitor?

The door before you opened, and what appeared was a new place in a new space.

Welcome to my humble Internet abode! This is my home away from home, away from home, technically — social media has caused me to move to this lovely digital apartment, and it ain't half bad here.

I’m usually here working on the home though, day by day — moving furniture here, updating my wares there.
I hope you meant to come here, after all.

Now that you’re here, I only ask three things: take off your shoes, set your keys by the door, and please, don’t let the cat out.

Take a look around and enjoy your stay!


This answers "what have you been up these past few _____?" / updated 05.05.2024


  • ✨ working on a small revamp of this place, with some new and/or finished rooms. hoping to give this place some purpose.
  • ✨ a little bit of RuneScape off and on, but i really deepdived into fixing iPods! i bought a few online and gave them new batteries, faceplates, and made them all flash storage! from there, i've been building my offline music library back up and burning CDs. i've amassed quite the collection of iPods now, and even gave one to my coworker as a gift. i hope to fix them all soon!
  • 🎵 i'd like to toot my own horn and shout out my own musical release -- a collection of my best singles under my old SkittlesBeats alias. it's the tracks i'm most proud of PLUS a few WIPs that were close to becoming releases. Here's STORIES: A SkittlesBeats Collection by SkittlesBeats. [more]

    going forward, if i can find the music on bandcamp so folks can download them, i will share the bandcamp link. artists can get more funds this way instead of plays on spotify.

  • gymming! i've been going every morning for an hour pretty much since early november, and now it's march — this is probably the most consistent i've stayed! besides the slow gains, this is the thing i'm most proud of. [more]

    on march 22nd, i hit a PR (personal record) that i've been chasing for a few weeks — i finally hit 3 sets of 10 with 105 pounds lifted on bicep curls! onto bigger and harder things! 😄

  • taking care of my cat, Bernard. he's chilling like usual and doing well! i just cut his nails today, those things are like daggers!


  • working. and working. and working some more. there's no official days off from january until may, so the only way to take off is to use vacation days and/or sick days, and you want to save vacation days for the summer and use sick days smartly. it's a tough balance! [more]

    more about work, my boss has recently retired, so that means i've had to take on more responsibilities the last few weeks. i've been learning a lot more skills too, which is overwhelming yet gratifying when things go well. hopefully the good streak can continue!

  • thinking about working on my personal website, which has now come to fruition.
  • sleep, gym, work, cat, game, sleep, repeat. it's an interesting cycle i've gotten myself into.


  • the same music, really. i think the usual artists i listen to must be cooking (or enjoying the holidays, which everyone should have been doing). i'll say the album i've been listening to the most is this: Chrome Bull DLX by Duckwrth.
  • looking into graduate schools for a Master's program in Higher Education.
  • built a PC with a few friends!
  • learning, dropping, relearning, and continuing to learn American Sign Language.


  • graduated from my alma mater a few years ago and currently working there! currently living in the area.
  • adopted an orange tabby cat named Bernard!
  • bought a new car after my old one literally fell apart on the road. that was embarassing.

Ah, so you’ve decided to sit with me, thanks. I just made some tea.
I hate talking about myself, but here goes…

Hiya, my name is Sephlow! I also frequent the nickname 'Skittles' as well, from an old online alias. Most know me as Devonne in real life. I’m an early 20-something he/they creative writing and communications graduate. As I build this home up, I think I can turn it into a place on the Internet where I can be myself — away from the billionaires, away from the politics, away from the ads… for the most part, anyway. As you might have guessed, I’m the webmaster of this cozy place.

Creatively, I’ve been interested in a ton of things over the years! However, my current interests are website design, graphic design, and being a storyteller both with words and audio.

I’ve been interested and excited about website design for as long as I can remember. I first took a class back in middle school where we created websites using good ol’ Weebly. I had a personal site at 14 using Wix before many other failed attempts at Wordpress. I didn’t formally learn the basics of HTML and CSS until my first year of university, but I fell in love with its functions and uses soon after! I got back into website creation through Carrd and Squarespace until I noticed Neocities making the rounds, which was a perfect solution to get back into coding. And here we are! I’ve found love again.

I’ve taken inspiration to call this website a home from this article, as well as my love of Splatoon’s loading screen of being a room of a house/apartment in the first game. I’ve always wanted a house in reality to call my own, and my Internet presence really needed one digitally — I’m sick of social media sucking up so much of my time. I’m glad I could forge this place as my one, true home.

If you're ever curious as to why I changed my Internet handle some time ago, or exactly what I changed, head to this new lore page.

Ah, I’m rambling — thanks for listening. More tea?

...oh? What's that rubbing up on your leg? That's probably the cat...

Video Games: Splatoon (series), Animal Crossing (GC, New Leaf), A Short Hike, Pokémon Emerald

Movies: Back To The Future (entire trilogy), (most of) The Marvel Cinematic Universe, Wolf Children

TV Shows: OK KO, Let's Be Heroes!, Danny Phantom, Marvel's What If, Invincible

Blueprints / Sitemap

You decided to inquire about the character of this place, and what it all means.

You’ve stepped into my little home. Apartment, townhouse, tiny cabin, hole-in-the-wall — I’ve called it many things in my mind over time. It’s my place, and I’m glad you decided to walk in. I’ve got things here that you may enjoy — I like sharing, after all!

Flounder Heights is a sprawling apartment complex within Inkopolis, a main hub within the Nintendo video game series Splatoon. Flounder Heights features a playground area and singing cicadas throughout. Abbreviating Flounder Heights to “FH”, I’ve claimed residence of the 102 space. It’s on the top floor, sure, but it provides one hell of a view of the surrounding area.

Why are there so many drop-downs? I want you to pretend like they’re drawers, cabinets, or even doors to different rooms. You’re more than welcome to rummage through them, figuring out any detail you’d like and piecing together any conclusions you may come to. I’ve left the option to you whether to open them or not, given your interest level. Hovering your hand over words or phrases might also lead you to finding new information as well. The choice is yours, my friend.

I’d imagine that this place gets so tranquil at sunset, as kids rush to get back home before the streetlights come on and the surrounding traffic starts to slow down. Here is where I’d take to the balcony with a nice book, or get some writing done myself.


My writing has evolved a ton over the years, and I’ve been glad to learn where commas should and shouldn’t go. Here are some places where I write:

  • Currently: Inspired by some pages that have “Now” sections, this displays what I’m currently up to in my IRL life. It’s not 100% accurate all of the time—I could finish a show and not talk about it until I update it next, and what I listen to changes near daily—but it’s fun to at least document and inform the guests of my home as to what I’ve been up to.
  • Keyholder: This houses my status.cafe status, where you can find quick things that are going on in my head, usually relating to this place or a quick and random thought. I haven’t posted much about my website on my social media, so this is something I’ve cultivated here for now. Perhaps I could use it to replace social media entirely one day?
  • Phonebook: This is a current list of ways to contact me, usually left out on the nearby coffee table. Some ways of contact are more preferable than others, but it's ordered by usage.
  • Manuscripts: This is where my longer pieces of written work go, including stories, poems, and other… well, scripts, I suppose.
  • Changelog: This describes changes regarding the home as a whole! Sometimes i can get a little cheeky when I write them (they’re usually the last thing I write before pushing the website out and I’m usually tired at that point), but it’s all in good fun.

In the morning, a chorus of cicadas hum to life as the presence of light pours into the room through the curtains. After relieving myself, I grab a drink from the fridge and stare at the pieces of paper that are attached — art pieces that I couldn’t bare to throw away.


  • Fridge Art: After I get around to organizing everything, this is where I’d like for my art to live. While I’m used to posting my art on social media for the boost in dopamine from all of the engagement, I think at this point, I just want to keep it somewhere safe, hidden from all of the AI scrapers and whatnot.

If you were willing to sit and listen to my ramblings, you'd find out a lot more about me than you would ever want to know. I'd be more than willing to make a cup of tea or coffee for you, though.


  • Who Am I? This is where I detail the who of me, the what that I do and the why that I do the things that I do. I'm not a very interesting person after all, it seems!
  • Tabby Roommate: If you've ever wanted to learn about my cat, this is the place! It's got the basic info. He's my child, in a sense.
  • What's This Place? The very page you're on! It's a really, really detailed sitemap at the end of the day. Might make things a little harder to find in the future, in all honesty...

And finally, when the room grows quiet due to our lack of conversation, we start to say our goodbyes. I show you to the door of the home, the one you managed to find all on your own the first time. I try not get weepy-eyed, and wish you a pleasant and safe travel home.

  • Elsewhere: This will house outgoing links to other inhabitants on Neocities and other places on the web that I've enjoyed for a while. I'm still collecting their addresses, hence why this is still a big work-in-progress.

This page was created for the second 32bit.cafe Community Code Jam.
Pictures used are from the SplatReference Tumblr.


Piles of papers on the coffee table intrigue you enough to thumb through them one by one.


Thoughts that aren't fictional, but are my feelings around a certain topic.

the ipod: days of future past

There’s something magical about myself and music. I’ve listened to music all my life — from my mom loaning me her CD book full of gospel music like it was a rite of passage, to listening to the alarm clock radio under the covers at night to fall asleep, to burning and ripping music from YouTube like it was nobody’s business, to mixing and matching MP3 players because they were all different sizes and I couldn’t fit all of my music on one device.

Well, there eventually was one: the iPod shuffle, surprisingly.

You see, I was certainly a digital music collector back in the day. I still am, to a degree — while my original iTunes library has been wiped and completely lost to time, some of the wreckage has survived through my old devices I used to sync to it back in the day, and that’s how I’ve rebuilt my library—and still add on to it—to this very day. I have always been an advocate of preserving music, and having it all live on Spotify is not the answer.

Did I fall into that trap of having everything on Spotify? Yes, unfortunately. But I’m changing that, and going back to my old digital music hoarder ways.

I recently came across an old iPod Classic 5th Generation at work — we recycle batteries at work, and sometimes devices like these end up with us somehow. This lonely iPod laid amongst the pile, and I thought to myself about my younger days. Laying under my covers and just blissfully listening to my iPod shuffle that I had just loaded to the brim with my favorite video game remixes. “I bet I could do something with this,” I said, pocketing it and taking it home.

And six months later, I sure did do something to it. A bigger and better battery, an iFlash microSD board to replace the spinning hard drive, and a transparent face plate later, I bought the parts to resurrect it from the dead (thanks Phene for the multiple 30-pin chargers). She is as good as new, and working great.

And now, here I am. It’s 9:28pm, and I’m laying under the covers, typing this out as I listen to some of the greatest video game and chiptune music ever created. Totally worth it.

why do you go to the gym at 4am?

It sucks, but it's a good way to wake up early and start the day. I've always sort of naturally been an early bird — I've had to wake up early to walk to high school, and I never had a class in college that started later than 8:45am. So, I was basically conditioned to always wake up early — and I figured if I could just start the day at 4am to hit the gym for an hour, then I can get it out of the way and move forward with my day. I have to be at work by 7am, so it's just a natural cycle throughout the week.

Every eatery is closed, so I'm not tempted to go to a fast food place after the gym, for whatever reason. I have a food addiction, straight up — I can justify why I need to eat at the snap of a finger. I swear they did this on purpose, though — on the way to the gym, on what we call "The Strip," I pass by, drumroll please... 31 eating establishments on the way to the gym. That's not technically counting all of them — just the ones I genuinely like and unfortunately frequent. By the time I finish my gym session at around 6am, next to none of them are open. Therefore, not only do I not have a reason to go, but I physically can't go to any of these eateries — perfect!

Finally, there are some simpler, smaller reasons as to go to the gym early. There's less traffic on the road in the morning, so it takes me way less time to get to the gym than during the day or worse, after work. After work traffic sucks! The gym itself is less crowded, so I can actively get through my routine without toooo much waiting around for a machine. The squat racks are going to be taken no matter what time of day you go, so I hardly bother. Sometimes my favorite treadmills are taken (I like to go on the ones with the updated displays), but that's the luck of the draw typically. In that case, I start with my routine first instead of cardio, and it usually works out in the end. That's my last point — overall, there's less worry that I won't be able to get my routine done, or heading to the gym overall.


A assorted mess for now, until I organize them. These are my favorites.

overdosed on love songs

i’m dizzy, high
on love, these
radicalized emotions
these powerful and overwhelming feeings
even when it’s at the edge of my brain it’s slowly leaking through
from the music i feed it

i took a walk so I could
calm down and not feel the fear
that love whispered into my thoughts
i didn’t want it to end
i didn’t want the music to stop
but it was poison
unhealthy words of scenarios
that may never take place

one more song
wouldn’t hurt

no signal

it’s the things that make you freeze in place
your feet unmoving,
your heart in a bind,
and you just break down sobbing in front of a crowd

you’re panicking
sitting on the bathroom floor
waiting for your head to clear
and your mind to turn to static

connecting the dots in your head
seems like the most impossible task in the world
right now, you’re suffering
how did we get here?
how did this happen?
how did me myself and I let this happen?

lying dead awake in your car
unable to see the stars, you start counting anyway
once you start to lose your grip
you start to second guess yourself
the saying “third time’s the charm”
is bullshit anyway

the static subsides
for now, at least
you recognized you were at your most vulnerable
when you let the buzzing in your ear talk for you

That's none other than my cat companion, Bernard! Found as a stray by a lovely family that still cat-sits him to this day, Bernard is a loving cat that hangs out in my home. We play, we lie around, and we generally have a great time.

  • name: bernard elias t.
  • cat breed: orange tabbycat
  • eye color: orange
  • coat: mackerel/stripe-y
  • personality: playful
  • birthday: june 9th, 2021 (age 2)
  • gotcha day: november 12, 2021
  • best friend: shen “snots” s.



The door leading to the apartment complex is open. Do you step through?

Thanks so much for visiting my home! I hope you enjoyed your stay. If you'd like to know where to go next, here are my suggestions!

Neighbors of FH102

Here’s where I can display the friends that often visit my apartment. If you’d like to make this list, friend and spend some time with me on Neocities!







Velvet Blue



fentanyl angel


Ari's Garden

musuem of alexandra

alpha carinae





Ami Moregore




The curtain is pushed back, and all that is revealed is a computer and a webpage.

A lot of things inspired the look of my site, but the layout specifically I remember was a version of PLAYMOAR's site. They've changed their layout since then, but it looks (and continues to look) so cool!

Other website things:

  • Coded with: Brackets
  • Hosted on: Neocities
  • Font used: Inconsolata, found on Google Fonts
  • Clock: timeanddate
  • Status: Status Cafe
  • Code: I first learned and loved to code through just one class in college (Essentials of Digital Media), but I get most of my knowledge through the all-knowing W3Schools —— one of the best coding resources out there. If not, Googling and looking at examples is your next best bet. Don't steal and claim it as your own!
  • Currently: Not my original idea, but pulled from NowNowNow. I've always had one on my site, but was inspired to change the format by looking at Frills and Sneek's sites!
  • 88x31 buttons: The credit goes to their original creators — the buttons themselves were found amongst multiple websites where I handpicked the ones I liked the best. My website button was made by yours truly, and some in Elsewhere were also made by me in Adobe Illustrator (sorry).
  • Backgrounds: Taken by me in Minecraft on a friend's server, using a few shaders to make it look very pretty. I may use GIFs that I find off of the Internet like I have in the past, and I will credit them accordingly!


4/10 - A new journal entry about an old, friendly device can be found in Scattered Manuscripts, and more updates can be found in the Entryway. I've been a bit stressed due to work, but I've found a bit of time to spruce up the place! It definitely needs a bit of a deep clean, however...

3/22 - I had this itch to write up a little something this week (a frequent question of my friends and family), so if I remember correctly, I've left my journal on the coffee table in the Scattered Manuscripts room for anyone to peruse. I've also organized the space a bit as well.

3/03 - I've finalized the Credits room! I hope you all enjoy it. Consolidated the navigation section by putting 'new lore' into 'who are you?'. It looks a little empty now, but perhaps I'll fill it out soon! Reworded some things in the entryway and 'who are you?'. New things to come soon!

3/01 - Back in the house again, tidying up some loose ends. Sorta fixed the Phonebook, and it allowed me to learn a new tech — making expandable text on hover! I've applied that to a newly updated 'Currently', and I want to change some things on other pages with this new skill. I updated 'Elsewhere' with doors of my own design for my friends! I closed the door on 'Fridge Art' for right now, I don't think I'm ready to share things yet! Next room to work on will definitely be 'Credits', it's long overdue. I want to update most of these other rooms before adding on... time shall tell.

Full changelog here.



Status Cafe