fh 102

flounder heights apartments
-- home of sephlow --

Blueprints / Sitemap

You decided to inquire about the character of this place, and what it all means.

You’ve stepped into my little home. Apartment, townhouse, tiny cabin, hole-in-the-wall — I’ve called it many things in my mind over time. It’s my place, and I’m glad you decided to walk in. I’ve got things here that you may enjoy — I like sharing, after all!

Flounder Heights is a sprawling apartment complex within Inkopolis, a main hub within the Nintendo video game series Splatoon. Flounder Heights features a playground area and singing cicadas throughout. Abbreviating Flounder Heights to “FH”, I’ve claimed residence of the 102 space. It’s on the top floor, sure, but it provides one hell of a view of the surrounding area.

Why are there so many drop-downs? I want you to pretend like they’re drawers, cabinets, or even doors to different rooms. You’re more than welcome to rummage through them, figuring out any detail you’d like and piecing together any conclusions you may come to. I’ve left the option to you whether to open them or not, given your interest level. Hovering your hand over words or phrases might also lead you to finding new information as well. The choice is yours, my friend.

I’d imagine that this place gets so tranquil at sunset, as kids rush to get back home before the streetlights come on and the surrounding traffic starts to slow down. Here is where I’d take to the balcony with a nice book, or get some writing done myself.


My writing has evolved a ton over the years, and I’ve been glad to learn where commas should and shouldn’t go. Here are some places where I write:

  • Currently: Inspired by some pages that have “Now” sections, this displays what I’m currently up to in my IRL life. It’s not 100% accurate all of the time—I could finish a show and not talk about it until I update it next, and what I listen to changes near daily—but it’s fun to at least document and inform the guests of my home as to what I’ve been up to.
  • Keyholder: This houses my status.cafe status, where you can find quick things that are going on in my head, usually relating to this place or a quick and random thought. I haven’t posted much about my website on my social media, so this is something I’ve cultivated here for now. Perhaps I could use it to replace social media entirely one day?
  • Phonebook: This is a current list of ways to contact me, usually left out on the nearby coffee table. Some ways of contact are more preferable than others, but it's ordered by usage.
  • Manuscripts: This is where my longer pieces of written work go, including stories, poems, and other… well, scripts, I suppose.
  • Changelog: This describes changes regarding the home as a whole! Sometimes i can get a little cheeky when I write them (they’re usually the last thing I write before pushing the website out and I’m usually tired at that point), but it’s all in good fun.

In the morning, a chorus of cicadas hum to life as the presence of light pours into the room through the curtains. After relieving myself, I grab a drink from the fridge and stare at the pieces of paper that are attached — art pieces that I couldn’t bare to throw away.


  • Fridge Art: After I get around to organizing everything, this is where I’d like for my art to live. While I’m used to posting my art on social media for the boost in dopamine from all of the engagement, I think at this point, I just want to keep it somewhere safe, hidden from all of the AI scrapers and whatnot.

If you were willing to sit and listen to my ramblings, you'd find out a lot more about me than you would ever want to know. I'd be more than willing to make a cup of tea or coffee for you, though.


  • Who Am I? This is where I detail the who of me, the what that I do and the why that I do the things that I do. I'm not a very interesting person after all, it seems!
  • Tabby Roommate: If you've ever wanted to learn about my cat, this is the place! It's got the basic info. He's my child, in a sense.
  • What's This Place? The very page you're on! It's a really, really detailed sitemap at the end of the day. Might make things a little harder to find in the future, in all honesty...

And finally, when the room grows quiet due to our lack of conversation, we start to say our goodbyes. I show you to the door of the home, the one you managed to find all on your own the first time. I try not get weepy-eyed, and wish you a pleasant and safe travel home.

  • Elsewhere: This will eventually house outgoing links to other inhabitants on Neocities and other places on the web that I've enjoyed for a while. I'm still collecting their addresses, hence why this is still a big work-in-progress.

This page was created for the second 32bit.cafe Community Code Jam.
This page will be integrated into the main website layout in the future!
Pictures used are from the SplatReference Tumblr.


Art from 2023.


Art from 2022.


Art from 2021.



Status Cafe