
What's changed around the apartment? Changed sorted by month, then day.
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  • April
  • 4/10 - A new journal entry about an old, friendly device can be found in Scattered Manuscripts, and more updates can be found in the Entryway. I've been a bit stressed due to work, but I've found a bit of time to spruce up the place! It definitely needs a bit of a deep clean, however...

  • March
  • 3/22 - I had this itch to write up a little something this week (a frequent question of my friends and family), so if I remember correctly, I've left my journal on the coffee table in the Scattered Manuscripts room for anyone to peruse. I've also organized the space a bit as well.

    3/03 - I've finalized the Credits room! I hope you all enjoy it. Consolidated the navigation section by putting 'new lore' into 'who are you?'. It looks a little empty now, but perhaps I'll fill it out soon! Reworded some things in the entryway and 'who are you?'. New things to come soon!

    3/01 - Back in the house again, tidying up some loose ends. Sorta fixed the Phonebook, and it allowed me to learn a new tech — making expandable text on hover! I've applied that to a newly updated 'Currently', and I want to change some things on other pages with this new skill. I updated 'Elsewhere' with doors of my own design for my friends! I closed the door on 'Fridge Art' for right now, I don't think I'm ready to share things yet! Next room to work on will definitely be 'Credits', it's long overdue. I want to update most of these other rooms before adding on... time shall tell.

  • February
  • 2/10 - WE'RE SO BACK! I know it's been an incredibly long time since I've updated the place, but it's really been a crazy few months. From work to being distracted by either games or life, I haven't put a lot of time into this place... until today! I've updated the general layout of the home — moving 'what's changed?', the Keyholder and the clock to the other side of this room. Phonebook is a tad broken at the moment, but the links still work. 'What's Changed?' is also a dedicated room now displaying the full changelog of the whole abode. Currently...' has gotten a huge makeover, as I've found a better layout that I quite like updating a bit better than the old one. 'Elsewhere' has also been updated with some new doors!

    I want to adjust some things in the other rooms overall, as well as finally add the 'credits' and 'fridge art' places as well... they will come soon, when my Minecraft phase dies down. I also want to rely a little less on Javascript, which means adjusting how most, if not all of the drawers work in this house. It'll be... something!

    It's past midnight and I'm zapped. Thank you all for your patience, and I love you all!


  • December
  • 12/29 - One more update to Currently before the new year is out! More website updates soon, I promise!

    12/9 - Just a small update to Currently. Peep my latest Neocities post or 'working on' on future updates for this site, it's gonna take a pause for a short bit! Love you all!

  • November
  • 11/23 - Did some major upkeeping to other pages, updating 'new lore', 'blueprints', and 'sitemap' with some well-needed changes. Took down Fridge Art -- I'm not ready to display and archive things yet, and I just haven't made a lot of art recently. Adjusted some marquee items and added Increment!

    11/22 - It's been a while! I'm sorry about that. Check up on Currently for all the latest happenings with me. Speaking of Currently, I've added a "thinking about" section! Elsewhere has also been updated with new doorways and friends!

  • October
  • 10/29 - Small changes again, including updates to Currently! I also added a clock to the entryway and won't forget to dust it off every now and again. I definitely want to customize it a little bit as well...

    10/13 - Happy Friday the 13th! Updated the Elsewhere page with folks' buttons and made it a nice and neat table, almost like doors to different places! I should really get to making one... AND I DID! It's a start, but it's in the entryway and in the marquee for now. Small updates otherwise, including Currently!

    10/2~10/7 - Small changes, updated Currently and added a bit of Halloween flair. Applied to with the seplow name -- that should get updated soon! (10/7 small update, sephlow name applied to :D)

  • September
  • 9/27 - This one's a biggin'! Not only did I make the new lore page, but I've updated my username for myself and this website! Introducing! Updated the renamed Who Are You page and social links because of this change. I've added a few poems to the Manuscripts page as well. Onto more changes soon!

    9/17 - It feels like I didn't do much, but I did! Changed up some slight CSS elements, moved the To-Do list to the What's Changed space, inserted the new lore page on the website in a secret location for now, started working on the Elsewhere page, and added a Neocities link to the Phonebook!

    9/10 - Added the Scattered Manuscripts page and made a To-Do list for the apartment! Stay tuned to hopefully see these things get completed! Also integrated the What's This Place page into the site fully (the link to the old page still works!)

  • August
  • 8/26 - Updated the Currently section and added the "What's This Place?" page! I finished my submission for the Community Code Jam, which has me so excited that I did it! I hope everyone enjoys the changes I've been making so far!

    8/17 - updated the "Currently" section of the entryway, deleted twitter from the phonebook and replaced it with bluesky, and hid a fun secret. More changes soon, I promise!

  • July
  • 7/29 - Fixed my Art page and laid out some more framework, as well as changing some page details and hiding some more mouseover text. Enjoy!

    7/27 - Small changes today, edited my about page and fixed some underlining issues.

    7/25 - Themed up the Not Found page and laid down the Fridge Art page! No actual art yet, but at least I know what I want it to look like! There's a few kinks to work out on that page (the sitemap doesn't work as it should) but I'm plugging away!

    7/22 - Smoothing out those edges and adding a bit more content!

    7/21 - Surprise! Entire website redesign! I'd say this is skittlesbeats v0.2? I changed the look and vibe of the website, with an explanation on the "who am i" page. Edges need smoothed out!

    7/18 - Small things today - added the sitemap and edited some content.

    7/17 - Back at it! Inserted some content finally (and slowly changing it to the "theme" I want, ooo), adjusted the font to something new, and trying to find a rhythm...

    7/12 - Lots of changes! Reverted the socials section to something more basic, but still colorful... didn't like the blocky nature of it. Added the section which I really really like! Worked on the About page (i'm too sleeby so it's a little bad) and fixed a little bit of sizing issues on mobile (hopefully)

    7/11 - Marquee works! Not exactly what I wanted, but it'll do. Planning to add a section on the left side. Fixed some potential sizing issues and started work on the About page! now to actually think about what to put there...

    7/10 - Marquee works offline but doesn't work online... ugh.

    7/9 - BIG DAY TODAY AGAIN! Redid the layout utilziing tabs to make this even more of a one-pager. No page loading! I need to work on actual content besides updating the changelog though, haha! I started finding the cool buttons, but making the marquee actually infinite scroll is next on the list...

    7/8 - BIG DAY TODAY! Today was a content day, and I got most of the boxes done! Intro, Now, Changelog Socials (really proud of!) is like 95% done, Socials needs some colors adjusted. Webmaster, Link Backs, and Latest Projects needs some work, and that'll come together soon! Yippee! I'm proud of myself with this!

    7/7 - Rewrote more than half of the code to get the new layout exactly how I wanted! Ditched my original boxes, they were a hassle. Almost blew my brains out trying to figure out mobile stuff. Ugh. 10:33pm. goodnight.

    7/6 - Adjusted the sidebar and main textbox to be all Splatoon-themed! Neato!

    7/5.a - after a few hours, I made a Splatoon-themed box with CSS! now we're getting somewhere!

    7/5 - changed the site from CSS Flexbox to CSS Grid. Works a bit better and is optimized for mobile! Fooled around with scrolling text.

    7/4 - started working on this website, relearning HTML and CSS in the process!