
📒 Working on this website for the past week has given me a lot of confidence in my HTML/CSS abilities! Doing this was really good, I've been meaning to journal again!

💪 Bringing back consistant gym sessions, tracking calories, and even more weight loss! The tracking calories was really helpful for a few weeks, limiting my calories and adjusting as much as necessary was really key to actually losing 22 pounds in three weeks! Very proud of that!


🎮 Playing a bit of RuneScape, Splatoon, and even some Stardew Valley recently! Runescape is usually just the mainstay (I love treating it like an idle game to just fish, hahaha), but the last event of Splatoon is still playing and replaying in my head... it's such a lovely memory! Stardew Valley was the 'friend' game for a while, playing on a big server!

🔨 Working, working, and more working! The last few months were so busy with summer projects, and then getting things ready for students was just... nearly a nightmare. But, we survived and we're here now -- time to prepare for the winter!


The same music, just more... better! Funner! More magical! All the fun stuff! This is a demo/EP that has been stuck in my head for a while! honest -- demo

Looking at graduate schools for a Master's program in Higher Education! Need to put my foot down and apply so some places in October/early November!

Built PC with a few friends, fixed said PC in July. It's running great!

Learning, dropping, relearning, and continuing to learn American Sign Language.


Graduated from my alma mater a few years ago, and currently working there! Also living in the area.

Adopted an orange tabby cat named Bernard!

entryway // currently



  • ✨ working on a small revamp of this place, with some new and/or finished rooms. hoping to give this place some purpose.
  • 🎵 i'd like to toot my own horn and shout out my own musical release -- a collection of my best singles under my old SkittlesBeats alias. it's the tracks i'm most proud of PLUS a few WIPs that were close to becoming releases. Here's STORIES: A SkittlesBeats Collection by SkittlesBeats. [more]

    going forward, if i can find the music on bandcamp so folks can download them, i will share the bandcamp link. artists can get more funds this way instead of plays on spotify.

  • gymming! i've been going every morning for an hour pretty much since early november, and now it's march — this is probably the most consistent i've stayed! besides the slow gains, this is the thing i'm most proud of.

    on march 22nd, i hit a PR (personal record) that i've been chasing for a few weeks — i finally hit 3 sets of 10 with 105 pounds lifted on bicep curls! onto bigger and harder things! 😄

  • taking care of my cat, Bernard. he's chilling like usual and doing well! i just cut his nails today, those things are like daggers!


  • a little bit of RuneScape off and on, but i really deepdived into fixing iPods! i bought a few online and gave them new batteries, faceplates, and made them all flash storage! from there, i've been building my offline music library back up and burning CDs. i've amassed quite the collection of iPods now, and even gave one to my coworker as a gift. i hope to fix them all soon!
  • working. and working. and working some more. there's no official days off from january until may, so the only way to take off is to use vacation days and/or sick days, and you want to save vacation days for the summer and use sick days smartly. it's a tough balance! [more]

    more about work, my boss has recently retired, so that means i've had to take on more responsibilities the last few weeks. i've been learning a lot more skills too, which is overwhelming yet gratifying when things go well. hopefully the good streak can continue!

  • thinking about working on my personal website, which has now come to fruition.
  • sleep, gym, work, cat, game, sleep, repeat. it's an interesting cycle i've gotten myself into.


  • the same music, really. i think the usual artists i listen to must be cooking (or enjoying the holidays, which everyone should have been doing). i'll say the album i've been listening to the most is this: Chrome Bull DLX by Duckwrth.
  • looking into graduate schools for a Master's program in Higher Education.
  • built a PC with a few friends!
  • learning, dropping, relearning, and continuing to learn American Sign Language.


  • graduated from my alma mater a few years ago and currently working there! currently living in the area.
  • adopted an orange tabby cat named Bernard!
  • bought a new car after my old one literally fell apart on the road. that was embarassing.