Welcome to my humble Internet abode! This is my home away from home, away from home, technically — social media has caused me to move to this lovely digital apartment, and it ain't half bad here.
I’m usually here working on the home though, day by day — moving furniture here, updating my wares there.
I hope you meant to come here, after all.
Now that you’re here, I only ask three things: take off your shoes, set your keys by the door, and please, don’t let the cat out.
Take a look around and enjoy your stay!

Sephlow ('sef-flow')
('skittles' - most common nickname)
(@sephlow on discord & bluesky)
24yo · he/they · & · EST / UTC-5
Hobbies - video games, graphic design, chiptune music
Video Games - Splatoon, Animal Crossing, Old School Runespace, Webfishing
Media - Back to the Future, the MCU, Wolf Children